Sports Clinics


Football - Registration is open.

Westchester Sports Football Clinics are lead by teachers with years of football coaching experience. Our clinics are ideal for athletes between the ages of 5-10 of all abilities and skill levels. Comprehensive skill-development will be provided through high-quality progressive instruction.

Sunday mornings @ King Street School gym

Adapted PE Class - Registration is closed

Westchester Sports is excited to offer an adapted PE program for kids with disabilities. We are lucky to have instructors who are NYS certified in this field. This program is designed by our top instructors to focus on getting kids developmentally ready to participation in a regular physical education program. The emphasis is on the student’s abilities, and not their disabilities.

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Intro to sports - Registration is closed

Westchester Sports feels that it is very important to get our Pre-K and K athletes moving at an early age. We have designed this clinic with NYS physical education standards in mind for the development of young children. Our professionals have had numerous years working with this age group and form great relationships with these athletes.

Sunday mornings @ Manhattanville College gym